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Two out of five corals doing bad, can't figure out why.

Posted 08/22/2010 at 12:08 AM by Mmckibben

Hi, I need a little help. So my Candy cane coral, and Wild Eye Favia are doing bad. The candy can corals polyps have been 1/5 their normal size for around two weeks. The Favia's polyps have receded half way, and some look as if they are melting. Both have a very slight loss of pigmentation. I checked ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosophate, calcium, alkaline, magnesium, pH, and salinity; all check out fine. My sps and soft corals are doing fine. The only other LPS i have is a Wisker coral who has...
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Tell me your flood stories!

Posted 08/14/2010 at 01:52 AM by Mmckibben

So just three days ago i cleaned out all my pumps, then headed off to my friends house. When I came back I found my carpet soaking wet... well, that's not normal. It turns out one of my pumps wasn't secured right and decided to squirt water every where. Yep 5 gallons of water to clean up can't be good. I finally got every thing dry, but I'm going to leave fans on it for an other week.

Tell me your flooded horror stories, any kind, big or small. Have at it every one!
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Who Is Sick Of Driving Hours To Get Fish?

Posted 08/13/2010 at 10:48 AM by Mmckibben

I demand that more aquarium stores be opened world wide! Am I the only one who has to drive 45 minutes just to pick up a bottle of calcium! The government should do something! Were the biggest spenders/ tax payers in all of the world! We should threaten to only buy stuff online where taxes don't apply. Imagine the economic crash if we stopped paying thousands of dollars on fish! Who's with me!
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Should i begin to add corals?

Posted 08/08/2010 at 10:00 PM by Mmckibben

So, It's been a year now since I have set up my aquarium. Normally it would be stocked with at least 20 corals and a few fish. Instead i have only 4 corals and a pair of peppermint shrimp. It's all because of my 5 tank crashes in a row. First i had an aptasia out break, then an RTN out break, all that dead stuff floating around caused an algae bloom, then FINALY i got every thing back to normal but I just had to add a bad thing of calcium! After a good $600 or more spent into adding a refugium,...
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The Biggest Noob Question of all time

Posted 07/30/2010 at 12:22 AM by Mmckibben

Despite being a reefer for 5 years, and keeping sps corals with success, i still have problems with the how many fish rule. The most common rule I've heard of is 1 inch of fish for 5 gallons. So if i have a 40 gallon, i can have 9 inches of fish. Despite this I've seen people with 15 inches and even 20 inches in the same aquarium size. I seem to upgrade tank sizes before i can fill aquariums up, so i've never been able to experiment with this my self. What are your guys think is the golden number...
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